
How Do I Know if My Child has Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that usually presents with coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and at times wheezing (whistling sounds from the chest). The symptoms that present are due to a change in the breathing tubes that cause less air to pass. Allergies to molds, pollens, pet dander, and dust mites/dust can trigger asthma and it is important to avoid allergic triggers as much as possible. Exercise, Upper Respiratory Infections, Irritants such as cigarette smoke and odors, and emotional outbursts (laughing and crying) can also trigger the airway to change and cause and asthma episode to occur. The triggers (allergic and non-allergic) change the airway to have the bronchial muscles around the breathing tube to tighten. The membranes and lining inside the breathing tubes swell and copious mucus clogs or plugs the airway. This narrows the tubes and creates the symptoms that are known for asthma.

Did You Know?!

Approximately 9 million children have been diagnosed with asthma in the United States (American Academy of Asthma Allergy and Immunology). Asthma is a leading chronic disease that leads to emergency room visits and hospitalizations for children. According to the Centers of Disease Control, children ages 5 to 17 years missed over 12 million days of school directly related to their asthma being out of control. Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the lives of more than 600,000 Arizonans. Unfortunately, there were over 100 unnecessary deaths in Arizona in 2020. About 8% of school children in AZ have asthma (The Arizona Asthma coalition). Asthma can be controlled with the appropriate use of medications and on-going management with your health care provider. Management of asthma is a daily process and should not be addressed only during times of illness. The National Institute of Health: Expert Panel 4 suggests that the risk of increased asthma episodes requiring prednisone, increased emergent/urgent care visits and hospitalizations, increase the risk of morbidity and mortality.

Does My Child's Cough Indicate Asthma?

Usually coughing is a sign of asthma. The child that wakes at night twice per month or more with coughing or difficulty breathing, or the child that is unable to participate in exercise due to chest tightness or coughing, or has notable difficulty breathing should see their healthcare provider and discuss asthma. Persistent asthma needs to be controlled on a daily basis with medications that decrease airway inflammation (swelling). Inhalers, small volume nebulizers and dry powder inhalers are available and the type of device is dependent on the child’s ability to use the device. Dr. Panesar and Traci’s staff evaluate and demonstrate all techniques so that the child and parent know exactly how the technique should occur to get the most efficient dosing.

Crazy About Kids Pulmonary Services

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Individual Approach

Individualized Asthma Treatment Plans

Personalized Treatment

Extensive Experience in the Diagnosis and Management of Child Respiratory Diseases

Modern Treatment

Improving the quality of life for childhood Asthma patients for more than 15 years